求稳定的梯子 Information and interests
Books Theories and practices
Videos Creativity and innovation
Projects Making and doing
Innovation Connecting and building
  • Hello! I am David Gauntlett. I am from the UK but since 2018 I am a Canada Research Chair at the Faculty of Communication and Design, Ryerson University, Toronto. I run the Creativity Everything lab. I have worked with organisations such as the BBC, the British Library, S4C, and Tate. For 12 years I have collaborated with LEGO on creativity and play. The expanded second edition of Making is Connecting came out in May 2018.
    This site contains information about my 手机能用的梯子, projects and events, and includes videos and a blog. You can see further information about me, and a 求一个电脑上能用的梯子. The 手机上用的梯子 is a quick route to various things. Or just click around the key projects overview 1995-2023. Please do ask me if you’d like to do something interesting. And do join the 手机梯子怎么给电脑用 for occasional email updates.
  • Simple version: I’ve written or edited 13 books, including Making is Connecting (2011, second edition 2018) which has its own website. See the full books page for information on them.

    Detailed version: I am the sole author of 7 books, plus second editions of 3 of those books; co-author of 1 book; and editor of 2 completely different editions of pc端电脑梯子.

    Selected books:

    • Making is Connecting 2nd edition
    • Making Media Studies
    • Creative Explorations

  • In 2008 I started making short YouTube videos about my research, and some versions of teaching or talks. You can view the better ones on the videos page or just see the whole lot on my YouTube channel.

    Selected videos:

    • TEDx talk on platforms for creativity, 2016
    • Maker Faire Rome keynote, 2013
    • Disruptive innovation and online creativity

  • I have been involved in several projects with the LEGO Group, as well as collaborations with the BBC, S4C, Tate, and the British Library, amongst others. The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) has funded a number of my projects. See the projects page for more information.

    Selected projects:

    • Collaborations with the LEGO Group
    • Collaboration with the BBC
    • Collaboration with S4C

  • Much of my work is about innovation, in different ways. The book Creative Explorations is about new creative research methods, and Making is Connecting presents a new way of thinking about digital media in a broader creative context. My work with the BBC, S4C, and in particular the 电脑用什么梯子, has focused on innovation in play, learning and creativity.

    Selected items about innovation:

    • Disruptive innovation and online creativity
    • Art and design – and innovation
    • Tools for thinking [blog posts]
    • 梯子的正确使用注意事项_图文_百度文库:2021年4月7日 - 梯子的正确使用注意事项_计算机软件及应用_IT/计算机_专业资料。梯子正确使用注意事项主办 单位:中移铁通韶关分公司 A.使用前检查 检查梯子每节的卡 ...


  • Less is more? (The music-making journey continues)

    A new music track. Trying not to throw in too much. Failing.

  • 电脑端能用的梯子

    有没有能用的翻墙软件推荐一下 - 网络技术(Networking)版 ...:2021-11-9 · 手机的话改host需要刷机 xiaoqiangcc (阿呆) 在 ta 的帖子中提到: 第一次来学校网络版发帖,想来这里云集了大量的网络高手= =,想问下有没有好用的vpn软件,电脑手机上的都推荐一下,收费的也可伍,别太贵就可伍接受。

  • pc端如何上外网

    3款寻宝游戏,人多人少都能玩,出发!-幼师宝典官网:2021-1-21 · 7.爸爸妈妈每天用来操作电脑的物品。 8.爬上房间里的梯子去找找看吧(宝宝都喜欢爬高上低的嘛,这是爬高训练) 9.妈妈的钢琴,并正确念出妈妈给出的字母。(如果孩子会弹钢琴,可伍让Ta弹一首近期练习的曲子,这里的环节可伍变通成孩子近期正在学习的

  • New video on ‘identity’ for UK A and AS Level students

    Trying to help out those UK students who have to write about 'Gauntlett' on 'identity'.

  • Getting somewhere (more music)

    Progress in the music department.

  • Weekly free creativity workshops on Zoom

    Free online workshops, hosted by Artscape Launchpad.

  • Collected observations on making music

    跨平台剪贴板同步工具盘点 - 知乎:2021-5-4 · Pasteasy伍为涉及到写作、伋码、等等...一系列的操作,需要来回在手机与电脑之间、手机与手机之前、电脑与电脑之间、windows和mac之间...来回切换,很麻烦,所伍才需要跨平台剪贴板跨平台剪贴板这种工具,另外一个…

  • The 10,000 hours rule (or: Can I really not be good at music until I am 108?)

    What does it mean, "10,000 hours" to master something?

  • Learning from the music-making process

    On getting useful feedback.

  • Creativity Everything podcast launched!

    在家里怎么装wifi?一定需要电脑么?-家居装修问答-大众点评【手机...:2021年4月27日 - 您好,不需要有电脑,但是您需要办理一个宽带购买一个无线路由器才可伍的 办理好...家里阁楼空间小能用什么梯子? 京东买手机分期免息是什么意思 急。。...

  • 手机电脑都能用的梯子

    What we are talking about when we talk about creativity.

  • ‘Your Creative Self’ workshop at Artscape Launchpad

    And in a new team-up with Jodianne Beckford!

  • A Drawing A Day – June to pause, 2023

    The last drawings before we went on a drawings pause.

  • The ‘dappled world’ and a more diverse perspective

    A nicer way of looking.

  • Hours of ‘The Creative Process’ lecture videos

    Lots of lectures drop at once, like on Netflix, except, lectures.

  • Research, teaching and everything all interconnected

    Android(安卓)端如何配置 Shadowsocks – 冰冰的小屋:如果是手机下载的,可伍用手机里的文件管理器,找到该 APK 安装;如果是电脑下载的,请导入到手机里进行安装。 ... 我想问一下,安卓手机连SS,刚开始可伍上,过一会就不能上了,要等一段时间再开才再能用一下,电脑 ...


  • Platforms for Creativity: Introduction

    求一款安卓PC稳定的科学上网梯子paqiang软件,fast fast biu biu !...:2021年9月5日 - 线路多,用起来简单,一键连接,适用于电脑端和手机端,可伍多人一起用。已经用了...我朋友推荐说西部世界这款梯子用起来很嗨,你可伍试试:https:删//xbsj...

  • 有没有能用的翻墙软件推荐一下 - 网络技术(Networking)版 ...:2021-11-9 · 手机的话改host需要刷机 xiaoqiangcc (阿呆) 在 ta 的帖子中提到: 第一次来学校网络版发帖,想来这里云集了大量的网络高手= =,想问下有没有好用的vpn软件,电脑手机上的都推荐一下,收费的也可伍,别太贵就可伍接受。

    On meaningful connections rather than frictionless content.

  • 求个电脑和苹果手机用的梯纸..就v、pp那个嗯.._百度知道:最佳答案: 之前用的要么跑路要么坑爹全卸载了,现在固定用坚果,好不好用lz用过应该知道更多关于手机电脑都能用的梯子的问题>>

    Things by me that you can read for free.

  • De Chocoladefabriek Gouda – Making is Connecting in action

    Reinventing the library, in an old chocolate factory.

  • Micro LEGO Serious Play: How small can a useful tool for thinking be?

    Can you do LEGO Serious Play with just 37 pieces?

  • Six theses about making things in a digital world

    A new article by me.

  • LEGO Cultures of Creativity report launched today

    From my collaboration with the LEGO Foundation.

  • 手机电脑都能用的梯子

    From May 2011: after a Radio 4 programme.